Summer is a time of bounty in Alaska. Long, sunny days give ample time for saltwater fishing, fly fishing, berry picking, gardening, crabbing, shrimping and hunting. The gathering of food for the winter cache can nearly reach a frenzy with the reminder of colder months around the corner.

Birch bowl filled with salmonberries. Just one of the dozens of edible berries in Alaska.
The rivers are flush with Sockeye and Pink Salmon right now. Silver Salmon are just starting to show up locally but can already be found in abundance in some Southeastern streams. Kings have finished their return for spawning but can still be caught as they feed and grow for next year’s return.

June King Salmon fishing in Alaska. Greg with a nice White King.
Halibut are following the Pink Salmon to the rivermouths, becoming easy targets for lures and bait as they move into shallow waters.

30 lb Halibut ready for filleting, frying, bbqing & roasting.
August and September are magical times in Alaska as brown and black bears fatten up for winter on spawning salmon, Silvers readily take flies of all colors in the rivers, and the first snow falls on high elevations. Why don’t you join us for a visit?